
Date Night

Well, Kurt and I got gussied up and went on a date the other night for the first time since Madelyn was born. He was invited to a couple of cocktail parties through work, so Grandma O. came over to watch Maddie (thank God for our Grandmas!!) and I ventured outside of my sweatpants and ponytail and into an actual dress and lipgloss. Shocking! But I think we did a pretty good job :) We had a great time, and Maddie and Grandma did just fine without us. Maybe we'll go out more often...!

Much love,



Look at that little face! I think I can say completely objectively that hers is the cutest little face to ever grace the planet. Our good friend Jessica took this photo of Maddie, and I must give her credit. She's a fabulous photographer, but then she did have a fabulous subject :)



a book review by Madelyn Grace...

Hey all~

So it's been taking me a while to finish up more of the chronological videos - the sequels to the previous video I posted. Until then, there are little ones I'll share so I can do my best to keep up.

Ok, now Maddie isn't really reviewing books, but she sure did get talkative when Kim was reading her this book. She's so cute and such the little blessing in our family... even when she pouts or cries.

