
Rambly Thoughts

There's no real theme to this post or major reason for writing...just a few rambling thoughts on a Thursday afternoon. Maddie is at preschool (most likely preventing her classmates from napping right about now :) and Henry is asleep on my chest making little gurgly noises. The house is unusually quiet. Thursdays are a nice day for me because I can devote all of my time and energy to little Henry. Of course I love having both of my kiddos with me, and Madelyn is genuinely entertaining company. But when Madelyn was a baby, she got 100% of my undivided attention; it's only fair that Henry gets one day of it. I can spend as much time as I want staring at him and singing to him and responding to his little coo's. He has gotten so delightfully interactive in the last week or two. He smiles anytime someone smiles at him, and he loves to be on his back waving his arms around and kicking his feet when you talk to him. His hands are still mostly clenched in tiny fists, and it's hilarious to see him become truly surprised to see one hanging out above his head. Sometimes he even hits himself in the face with one, so I don't think he yet knows that they are actually attached to his body :) He's a pretty strong little guy and also loves to "stand" on my lap. He straightens his legs and holds his head up as high as he can and looks so proud of himself (eyebrows raised with big, wide eyes and a huge smile -- seriously, dangerous levels of cute).

We're settling into a bit of a routine around here. It's getting easier and easier to get out and about with both kids, and we've had some fun adventures in the last couple of weeks (ask Maddie about KidZone sometime...best $7 ever spent on a drizzly Monday morning). I'm starting to feel a bit more at home in my body. I haven't yet made it back to the gym, but I'm hoping to do that this weekend. I'm excited to feel those exercise endorphins again and sore muscles instead of round ligament pain. I'm so thankful that this time around, I recovered so much faster. Some days I forget that I had major abdominal surgery just 10 weeks ago. And breastfeeding has also turned out to be a breeze this time around, so that's even better.

Maddie is in a fun stage right now where she wants to be "twins" with everyone. We'll both be eating yogurt for a snack, and she'll say "Hey Mommy! We're both eating yogurt! We're twins!" Or "Daddy, you're wearing Nike's and I'm wearing Nike's. We're twins!" She is constantly looking for similarities between herself and others, and it occurred to me today that the whole world would be a lot better off if we would follow suit.

Hmm, what else? My friend Molly called Henry "Huckleberry" awhile back, and I like it. I think I'm going to run with it as a perfectly complimentary nick-name to Madelyn's "Maddiecakes." In fact, I think I'll create a recipe this summer for Huckleberry Maddicakes. Mmm, my mouth is watering already...

Ok, I'm going to shut the computer now, close my eyes, and just listen to my son breathe.


Milk Drunk

Ok, so first off, I know we need to replace the picture at the heading of our blog. On my (very long) list of things to do.

Just wanted to share a little video with you. I mentioned before that I love babies' milk drunk faces, and we finally got Henry's captured on camera. So, so great. Doesn't he have the sweetest face ever?!