
I swear I wasn't drinking...

There are only 4 or 5 other people who know about this, so I'm outing myself to the rest of the world on this. Tonight, a very strange and stupid thing happened to me. What am I saying? Am I honestly trying to play the victim here?

Ok, so the story goes like this:
Kim and I are getting ready to have some friends over for dinner and we realize that we're out of butter. After stopping at the close-by Plaid Pantry in hopes of a cheap, healthy spread, I left for New Seasons knowing full well I would find a healthier choice for much less than $4.89.

With 12 minutes until our guests were due to arrive, I parked the car, grabbed my phone, locked the door and slammed it shut ready to fulfill my errand. The thing is, something sounded different... somewhat familiar actually. "Well, it sounds as though I've left the car running!" I thought to myself but verbalized in a fairly loud, 4-letter word.

I had done the unthinkable: locked my keys in the car with it still running. WHAT?!?! Who does that? Honestly!
So, after a quick, losing my head phone call to Kim, she calmed me down and I stood there next to my locked, still running car waiting for a hope. After a bit, I went and bought my butter; sure enough, it only took 2 minutes and there I was again, standing next to my locked, still running car.

Thanks to an amazing neighbor 2 doors down (thanks so much - you rock, Eden!), I got a spare key and was on my way. What must she have thought? "Those neighbors down there getting tipsy and heading to New Seasons for a snack."

All I have to say is, if Kim isn't going to use her pregnancy brain, I'm going to use mine. Oh, and I hope that never happens to me again... seriously.

Hope you enjoy the laugh. Cheers!


1 comment:

Nick said...

Oh my goodness, Kurtain! Very funny. "Pregnancy brain?" Ha!