
Life Lately

Hope you all had a great 4th of July holiday...ours was fun! We participated in a Ladd's Addition neighborhood parade in the morning with Lucas and Emma, the kiddos I used to nanny for. They were 4 months when I first met them, and they are 5 1/2 now. Hard to believe. We had a blast, and Madelyn was all eyes as the bikes and scooters and puppies zoomed by her. Later that evening, we went up to my parents' house for a BBQ with all 4 of our parents. Madelyn is so blessed to have all of her grandparents close by, and she just lights up when she sees each of them.

This photo documents Madelyn's first official bite of ice cream. We went for ice cream one hot hot night and discovered that she is (not surprisingly!) an enthusiastic ice cream fan...of chocolate in particular. Good girl :)

Here are a few photos of Maddie in her room. She likes to be in there lately and is especially intrigued by her menagerie of stuffed animals.

1 comment:

Caryn said...

We had so much fun with you the other day, Maddy! You are so sweet and cute. The picture of you eating ice cream is absolutely hilarious. Hope to see you soon Maddy cakes.~ Caryn