
Henry the Plus Sign

One year ago today we found out that Henry Finn would be joining our family. Of course, we didn't know at that time that he was Henry Finn -- he was just a bold little plus sign on a stick. But we were overjoyed nonetheless, and we celebrated with tacos, chips, and guacamole, as we did tonight it being Cinco de Mayo and all. Huck will be four months old this Saturday, and he is absolutely delightful. I think if someone could just hand me a four month old, I could entertain the idea of having a third child. I never want to be pregnant again, and even though newborns are tiny and miraculous, the sleep deprivation is not at all fun. But four months old is fabulous. Henry is smiley and giggly and content nearly all day long. He fusses when he's hungry or tired and then promptly eats and falls asleep, and he's doing such a good job learning to fall asleep on his own -- not an easy skill to learn as all of you parents know. He has also discovered that his sister is an excellent source of entertainment. Kurt and I had a sign of things to come the other night at dinner when Madelyn was acting up and was about to be sent to a time out. I looked over at Henry who was glued to his sister, smiling from ear to ear, and realized that she was continuing the behavior because it was getting a reaction from her brother. Four months old and he's already egging his sister on to get her in trouble :)

Finally a real live doll to put her her doll stroller! I'm pretty sure this presents some serious safety issues, but she just took him for a short spin around the house and we got a good laugh out of it.


Cravinchoc said...

Adorable! Isn't it great when the siblings start to play together?! It's just such a fun adventure as they begin their sibling relationship. Enjoy!

Kelly said...

Haha I love the last picture of Henry in the doll stroller....Lucy as asked several time to put Molly in there.

mollyb said...

Kim, I love your hair! Great family pics - I love them!!

joe said...

Great photos. I also like the nickname Huck. We are still searching for a suitable cute moniker for Gabe.