

We were up at 5:15 both Saturday and Sunday morning this past weekend. Actually, we've been up around that time every morning for the last week or two, but Saturday morning felt particularly rough because Kurt and I evidently forgot we had children Friday night and had a mini Friday Night Lights marathon until 11:30. I know. Not smart, but those of you who have ever watched that show totally get why we just couldn't stop watching...Tim Riggins, you long haired, cowboy boot wearing, sexy drawling bad boy gone good...(that might not be the reason Kurt likes the show...or maybe it is).

Henry is the cutest little boy my eyes have ever seen, and I could expound in minute detail about all the little adorable things he does (the most recent being carrying his blanket around -- Linus style -- everywhere he goes, often in his mouth like a little puppy dog). But our darling boy, at nearly 13 months old, has yet to sleep through the night. He has made it the whole night a handful of times since he was about 7 months old, but globally speaking, he is still not sleeping through the night. I know he's not hungry because even when I offer, he eats for 3 minutes, gets distracted, and then lays awake chatting or crying for the rest of what's left of the night. I think his body is just so used to waking up in the middle of the night that it's going to take awhile for it to learn otherwise. We are helping him learn the valuable skill of sleeping by not giving him any stimuli or attention until 6:30 at the earliest when it's acceptable for him to wake up. But we all toss and turn and lay awake listening to him fuss and cry, watching our clocks count down one sleepless minute after another.

My brain gets this and accepts that this is simply the stage we are in right now. It's a season, and we are certainly in good, sleep deprived company.

But in the spirit of showing a little "behind the scenes" footage and not always the "highlights" reel, there are moments when I really don't like being a parent. I know we're not supposed to ever say that, and hopefully someday when my children read these posts they will feel secure enough in my love for them that they understand it's not even remotely about them. Actually, if anything should prove how much a parent loves their child, isn't it sticking with it even when you're on your ninth day of less than 5 hours of sleep, your kids have whined and complained all day, and you can't even poop in peace? Let me tell you: if I didn't bonkers love my kids, Kurt and I would've high-tailed it to Hawaii a long time ago.

If you choose to do parenting well, you sacrifice so, so much. Time is no longer remotely your own; your bank account takes a hit worthy of the Richter scale; you expend energy in ways and amounts that make your bones ache with exhaustion; often, you put your own personal dreams and aspirations on hold; etc. etc. etc. It is not fun to change poopy diapers, especially during winter when your kid gets no fewer than six gastrointestinal viruses. It is not fun to negotiate with a preschooler who always (ALWAYS) chooses option "C" when only options "A and B" have been offered. It is not fun to wake up at 5:15 every morning and never feel sufficiently rested.

This has been a particularly challenging parenting week for me for all of the above reasons and a few more that I won't go into. I'm tired. I'm grouchy. I'm histrionic. Typically, I would tell myself that I'll feel better in the morning after a good night's rest. But that's the catch 22 -- I'm not getting any rest, so things just seem a little bit worse each day.


Kids are worth it. I know this. And hopefully you know me well enough to know that I know this.

But I think we should be allowed to be honest with ourselves and with each other every now and then that this whole parenting thing is hard, hard work that sometimes doesn't feel very gratifying.

So I think the only thing to say at this point is "THANK YOU" Mom and Dad for choosing to do parenting well and sticking with it even through these kinds of weeks. I had no idea...I just had no idea!


bensmom said...

I relate to this post on so many levels. thanks for being honest! hang in there. hopefully you can get some rest this weekend- maybe trading off naps with the hubby?

Lynne said...

Ah yes!!! So so true!

catherine said...

So true. ;)

Cravinchoc said...

I hear you. I've been there several times. It's times like these that you think you may go crazy with it all! I hope that you have been able to get more sleep since you wrote this post. Sleep is VITAL to survival. So I would suggest exchanging nap times with Kurt or asking a friend or grandparent to spot you one day or evening so you guys CAN get the sleep you need! I know you have willing grandparents ...and one night of good sleep WILL help...in the short-term...until Henry learns to sleep through the night! Don't be afraid of asking for help. Wish I lived closer so I could do it myself. Hugs and prayers to you guys!

Anna said...

Oh man. Option C. That's Reid's favorite too! Gosh, I just love reading these. Makes me feel right at home...~Anna