

I was going through all of Madelyn's photos the other day, and I realized that we have a ton of pictures of her in hats. Makes sense, I guess, given that she was born on the cusp of cold weather, but I thought it would be fun to post a re-cap of her cute little head in her cute little hats. Most of these you have seen before, but the two most recent are new. So sweet! She has even more hats that are depicted here, but we just don't happen to have photos of them.


Took said...

She is so cute in hats, I can't decide which one is my favorite!

joe said...

I love the dog hat

Nick said...

Ha ha! They all look so great on her!

Kelly said...

I'm a fan of the the first picture, she was beautiful from the day she was born. And looks adorable in hats :)