
Cutest Boy Ever

This boy continues to win our hearts over and over again. Look at those big eyes and that darling little expression! We call this "periscoping." Henry is so alert and curious about his environment these days that some nights he's just too busy to fall asleep. We go in to check on him and this is what we see: little Henry craning his neck as far as his little arms will let him, peering over the edge of the crib. So stinkin' cute. We even forgive him for his middle of the night periscoping because it's so hilarious to see his small head popping up and down in the dead of the night.


joe said...

Periscoping. ha! I can't wait to use that term. It seems more appropriate to this situation than prairie dogging.

Anna and Cody said...

Haha! Love it, totally stealing that term! He is SO DARN CUTE I can hardly stand it!

Took said...

That boy is just gorgeous! Love him!