
Day to Day

Madelyn's sense of fashion lately is, well, fearless. She lays her clothes out for each day the night before and proudly gets dressed all by herself without even having to be asked each morning. Only occasionally do I intervene with some matching help (you know, church, preschool, etc.) because I find it truly inspiring to see what she chooses to clothe herself on a day to day basis.

Say what?!

Henry's first bite of solid food. He has been fascinated with watching us eat lately and reaches out to grab our forks, plates, sandwiches, fruit, etc. He gobbled up a little bowl of rice cereal and seemed to really like it...and then barfed the whole thing up about two hours later. Hmm. Not sure what to make of that, but I guess we'll try again in another couple of weeks.

New sand box! Kurt built a great little sandbox for the kids in our backyard, and Maddie christened it yesterday afternoon. Kurt found real beach sand to put in it, too, so it's soft and fine and lovely, just like being at the beach. Now if we could just figure out how to fall asleep to the ocean waves...

Captain Chin to the rescue!!!

And finally a couple of great videos for you. Henry loves his Mommy and Daddy but he LOVES his sister as you can see :)


Caryn said...

Isn't that the best thing about having two kids? Watching their interaction is so fun!
Love you all,
Aunt (Great) Jenny

joe said...

The shoes make the outfit, but I think the way she clutches the handbag with her elbow is talent.