
Knitting and Knesting

So I'm learning how to knit. I'm not sure what it is about having a baby that brings out this overwhelming nesting instinct, but lately I just want to bake yummy treats, decorate my home, and, yes, knit homemade things for my baby. I've watched people knit, and those needles just seem to fly with ease. How hard could it be, right? Yeah... Those of you who know me well know that I love to try new things and learn new skills, but I want to be perfect at them immediately. Is that really expecting too much?! Knitting is much harder than it looks, and poor little Madelyn will be lucky if she ever ends up with something knitted by her mother that doesn't either fit lopsided or fall off her little body completely. I'm nearly done with a little hat that just looked so cute in my head! I've made many mistakes, but I think I'll be able to salvage it (with significant help from my neighbor and friend, Eden, who is teaching me). But I'm just sticking with baby hats. First of all, is there anything cuter than a little hatted baby head? And secondly, it's healthy to know and accept one's limitations, right? Thank goodness for skilled knitters like Rita and Jessie who have knitted such adorable, perfect little sweaters for Maddie. We have loved getting out and about in these sweaters, and we always get compliments on how cute they are. Check them out!

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