
Touche, Mom

So my kid is smart...maybe the smartest kid on the planet. Ok, I know I know. This is most likely not true, but I'm her mother. I'm allowed to think these things and post them on my very own blog :) Seriously, though, it is amazing to watch a brain develop. I am amazed on a weekly basis at the things that Madelyn is observing, analyzing, deconstructing, and retaining. Here was this morning's conversation:

Maddie: "I need a banjo, Mommy."

Me (knowing she has never seen a banjo nor heard the word "banjo"): "You need your BeeBee? You need your ball now? You need a big girl?"

Maddie (looking slightly confused): "No, Mommy. I need a banjo."

Me (totally going to call her bluff): "Ok Maddie. What is a banjo?"

Maddie (after about 10 seconds of thought): "A banjo have-a strings and make-a music and use-a your fingers." BIG SMILE.

Me (mouth agape): " "

Kurt, who was doing the dishes in the kitchen, immediately turns the water off and comes rushing into the living room. He asked me if I've ever taught her what a banjo is to which I replied "You mean you haven't?" We just started laughing, and she's looking at us the whole time like "What is the big deal? All I wanted was a silly banjo..."

Anyway, this might not sound like such a big deal to any of you. I guess when it's your own kid and you are watching them learning new things all on their own, it feels pretty amazing. That and I genuinely like a good tune on a banjo, so if she wants to learn how to play, I can definitely support that :)


Mandi said...

yes. she is smart! children her age are incredibly smart. we have had similar situations with ezra. we go between being completely amazed and completely creeped out...ezra had a similar experience with a 5 dollar bill he got for his birthday. we don't carry cash and it's not like we're waving it around, drilling him as what the different bills look like, but the minute that money fell out of the card he exclaimed, "5 dollars!" i laughed at your and kurt's response because mine and michael's was nearly identical....it is an honour and privilege and, sometimes, scary responsibility to watch/nurture that intelligent brain...keep up the good work!

Aaron Baer said...

Everyone needs a Banjo!


Aaron Baer said...

Now I can't stop watching banjo tunes on youtube..

This ones for Maddie

joe said...

Steve Martin said "The banjo is such a happy instrument. You can't play a sad song on the banjo, it always comes out so cheerful."

It is the coolest thing to see kids figure out the world. Especially when they arrive at conclusions you didn't think they could appreciate.

Maybe Baby Einstein needs to put out a banjo CD.

Kimberlee said...

thanks for the fun comments, guys! mandi, that's a great story about ezra and the five dollar bill. seriously, where do they pick up this stuff?!! aaron and eden, she LOVED the banjo videos! i think i know what we'll be doing all day today... joe, i love that quote from steve martin. not sure how, but i didn't know he played the banjo. he's amazing!

let the bluegrass commence...