

Ok, that is the cheesiest title ever; please forgive me :)

It occurred to me today as I was kissing Madelyn all over her sweet little face while doing some grocery shopping at New Seasons that for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no problem displaying as many public displays of affection as I want. I kiss her, snuggle with her, stroke her face, make silly faces at her, stare at her, and whisper in her ear with absolutely no regard for who is watching and what they might be thinking. That is a major step for someone like me who is constantly, endlessly, excruciatingly aware of others' opinions and critiques! Yay for me! Progress! Poor Kurt. We dated for months before I would even sit next to him in a movie theater. Ok, not really, but it probably felt like that for him. He is the epitome of a carefree, in the moment, affectionate, expressive person. I've always loved that about him and have envied how he is so easily who he is. It is extremely difficult for me to get caught up in moments, but having my own little baby and experiencing the profoundly fleeting nature of time is helping me learn to just get lost a bit even if (gasp!) other people are watching. Plus, I know in about six or seven short years, "other people" will be the least of my concerns; Maddie won't want her mommy smooching on her in front of her friends forever, so I'd better just indulge while I can!

1 comment:

Took said...

I love it! I agree when you become a mother, you lose a lot of inhibitions you had. And Maddie is so cute, it is easy to see why you couldn't resist kissing her even in the middle of a grocery aisle!