
Mounting Soap Box Now...

So here's my latest soap box rant: I am absolutely infuriated that Avent (and other major baby bottle companies like it) have knowingly manufactured their bottles with toxic chemicals such as BPA that leach into the milk that then goes directly into my baby's body. I guess this information has been out there for awhile now, but it's only just recently hit the larger media. Who are these people? How do they sleep at night? These are BABIES for crying out loud! For those of you who haven't heard, the upshot of it is that all plastic products are divided into seven different categories depending on their specific composition of materials. Most products have their assigned number inside a little recycling triangle on their bottom. Only 2's, 4's, and 5's are safe. All of the rest leach toxic chemicals, and number 7's are among the worst. So...guess which number most clear baby bottles fall into? Yep. 7. Nalgene bottles also fall into this category, so for those of you (like Kurt and myself) who have drunk thousands of ounces of water out of your Nalgene bottles, stop now! Get rid of them and get a SIGG (exceptionally well made Swiss aluminum water bottles). But back to baby bottles. All week I've been researching other options for bottles, and I think we've finally settled on good old fashioned Evenflo glass bottles. I went to buy a bunch at Babies R Us the other day and they were totally out; the gal said they've been flying off the shelves. I managed to find one ridiculously overpriced one at a local children's boutique, which of course I purchased, and we've been washing it between every feeding until I can find some more. I just can't bear the thought of knowingly putting toxins in my little baby's body, and I'm so mad that I have to even be worrying about it in the first place.

(Dismounting soap box.)

On to happier things! Madelyn is moving and shaking as always. Here are some highlights from the last week or so:


catherine said...

I'm completely with you, Kim! All for the sake of the all mighty dollar and at the expense of little babies everywhere. Very maddening! I've been meaning to ask you...how is your pediatrician? (I know it's a selfish question but I always want to know how I can better help Mom's and Dad's everywhere).

Diane said...

Check out the Klean Kanteen at http://www.kleankanteen.com/
They are stainless steel water bottles. We would recommend the sports caps … we got the flat caps but they squeak every time you unscrew them for drink. They have sippy cups and carrying cases too. It’s a great product.